Breast Enhancement Exercise
First things First!!!
POSTURE POSTURE POSTURE!!! --and always keep your abdominal's tight
Although natural breast enhancement can work for many, there are other things you can do to enhance your appearance! Posture is so incredibly important. Look around you. Watch how people carry themselves. There is constant research about how human posture conveys personal traits. If you see a woman walking with her shoulders concave or slouched over, you see a weak, tired person with a lack of self-esteem and purpose. You are here because you are looking for ways to strengthen your appearance as well as your inner core. Observe people during your day, every day. Choose to walk around in your life with your shoulders back, chest out and abdominal's held strongly tight to your core. This one suggestion may be the strongest and personally passionate in the entire site. When I ever feel down or less than I wish to be.. I take a strong breath, throw my shoulders back, and suck in my abdominals and walk with strength and purpose. That one thing can change your entire attitude about your day, about your life.
CHECK IT: Try stretching your arms up as far as you can, standing up on tiptoes and then let your arms fall gently back by your sides. This will normally show how much straighter and taller you can be. It’s all about confidence; the way a woman presents, and more importantly carries herself can speak volumes. Bad posture can result because of feelings of low self worth. Low self worth can manifest itself in different ways, such as refusing to join in or go out with friends or maybe just hiding away behind big baggy clothes.

If this sounds like you - the message here is be proud, hold your head up high and tell yourself you are as good as the next person.

Ok, now on to exercises--

Breasts themselves are made up of fatty tissue and there really is NO exercise that you can do for the breast itself. However, underneath is the Pectoral Muscles which can be built up in a way that gives your breasts a higher, firmer look. Use these exercises alone, or in conjunction with any other alternative you use to achieve your desired results. Here are three great exercises that work to strengthen your Pectoral Muscles. As with any new diet or exercise, it is always recommended to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before starting your Breast Enhancement Exercise.
First Breast Enhancement Exercise Pectoral Press:

* Grab a five pound weight in each hand
* Stand with your knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart, back straight,abs tight.
* Bend your elbows out to the side at right angles to your body
* Slowly press your forearms, elbows and hands together, in front of your chest, initiating the movement from the pectoral muscles
* Slowly press your arms back to the starting position
* Do 3 sets of 12

Second Breast Enhancement Exercise Modified Push Up:

* Lie on your stomach
* Bend your knees and cross your ankles
* Place your hands slightly in front of your shoulders with your elbows bent
* Tighten your abs and slowly straighten your arms and lift your body so you’re balanced on your palms and knees, keeping your body aligned from your needs to the top of your head
* Keep your face tucked toward the floor for a straight spine
* Bend your elbows to bring your body parallel to the floor, and push up again
* Try not to touch your chest to the floor
* Do 2 sets of 10 with another exercise in between

Third Breast Enhancement Exercise Incline press:

* Grab a five pound weight in each hand
* Lie on an incline board or on the floor with your upper back, neck and head propped up with firm pillows or other firm support, such as a large foam wedge
* Bend your elbows out to the side at right angles to your body
* Slightly tuck your chin to keep a straight, yet relaxed, natural posture
* Slowly press the ends of the weights up to touch in front of your chest, keeping your elbows slightly bent, do not smack the weights together
* Separate the weights and press your elbows slowly back to your starting position
* Do 3 sets of 12 with other exercises in between

Consult a doctor prior to starting any exercise routines. We are not offering medical advice.


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